Saturday, January 22, 2011

Search Engine Marketing

Welcome to the world of Search Engine Marketing. Where can anyone post and type enigmatic phrase and get a response or comment. the Internet appears to shrink to manageable size; and there is no messy Dewey Decimal System to complicate things. With a handy list of search results, shoppers can browse and research to their hearts' content, and make what they feel are the correct purchases for them at the best price. They search by brand, by product name, by location, by color, by any qualifier that meets their fancies.

The goal of Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is for your company's website to rank at the top of any potential customer's search results page. This is done using a combination of paid advertising, search engine-optimized website design, high-quality marketing copy and involvement in your industry's online community. And keywords. Lots and lots of keywords.
Using some tried and true marketing and technical know-how, a company can influence how search engines rank its site.

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